David Novoa

David Novoa

Ikerbasque Research Fellow & Visiting Professor

Ikerbasque / University of the Basque Country

I am Ikerbasque Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Spain. My main research interests are focused on the science and applications of intense light-matter interactions in confined geometries, in particular in micro- and nano-structured optical fibres.
Outside the scientific world, I am a passionate traveler, musician, sportsman and reader. Partner of a wonderful person and proud father of a wonderful little girl.

  • Nonlinear & Quantum photonics
  • Fibre optics
  • Ultrafast laser science
  • Extreme light-matter interaction
  • Machine learning
  • PhD in Physics, 2011

    University of Vigo

  • MsC in Photonics and Laser Technologies, 2008

    Universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo (Spain)

  • BSc in Physics, 2006

    University of Vigo (Spain)
