Welcome to the website of the
Extreme Fibre Optics Lab

David Novoa

David Novoa

Ikerbasque Research Fellow & Visiting Professor

Ikerbasque / University of the Basque Country


I am Ikerbasque Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Spain. My main research interests are focused on the science and applications of intense light-matter interactions in confined geometries, in particular in micro- and nano-structured optical fibres.
Outside the scientific world, I am a passionate traveler, musician, sportsman and reader. Partner of a wonderful person and proud father of a wonderful little girl.

  • Nonlinear & Quantum photonics
  • Fibre optics
  • Ultrafast laser science
  • Extreme light-matter interaction
  • Machine learning
  • PhD in Physics, 2011

    University of Vigo

  • MsC in Photonics and Laser Technologies, 2008

    Universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo (Spain)

  • BSc in Physics, 2006

    University of Vigo (Spain)


Ikerbasque Research Fellow and Visiting Professor
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
April 2021 – Present Spain
W2 Associate Research Professor
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
August 2017 – March 2021 Germany
Group Leader in the Russell division. Supervisor of 6 PhD students to completion
Postdoctoral scientist
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
January 2013 – July 2017 Germany
Postdoctoral researcher
CLPU – Centro de Láseres Pulsados
September 2011 – December 2012 Spain
Invited Professor
University of Vigo
June 2008 – June 2010 Spain
Taught Optics, Quantum Physics and Classical Electrodynamics

Meet the EFO Team

Head of the EFO-Lab


David Novoa

Ikerbasque Research Fellow & Visiting Professor

PhD Students


Arturo Mena

PhD student.
IKUR grant holder


María Sánchez

PhD student.
FPU grant holder


Pau Arcos

PhD student.
FPI grant holder


Exotic Light Sources
We work on the conception, design and development of novel fibre-based laser sources operating in spectral domains such as the ultraviolet or the mid-infrared, traditionally inaccessible in standard fibre optics
Exotic Light Sources
Multimode nonlinear & quantum optics
The inherent multimode nature of anti-resonant hollow-core fibres opens new routes to efficient frequency conversion and spatial structuring of the outcoupled radiation, even in the single-photon limit
Multimode nonlinear & quantum optics
Smart photonics
Modern machine learning approaches such as deep learning using artificial neural networks enable the optimization of nonlinear optical processes and allow for the discovery of nonintuitive photonic designs with unique optical properties
Smart photonics


If you find our research interesting and would like to get in touch, feel free to reach out to us!