Talks at the XXXIX Bienal de Física


(1) Tavis-Cummnings model for quantum frequency conversion in gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core fibres; (2) Scaling of Raman molecular modulation in hollow anti-resonant fibres; (3) Stimulated Raman scattering and molecular modulation in anti-resonant hollow-core fibres

Jul 15, 2024 9:00 AM — Jul 19, 2024 3:00 PM
Donostia (Spain)
Pau Arcos
Pau Arcos
PhD student.
FPI grant holder
María Sánchez
María Sánchez
PhD student.
FPU grant holder
Arturo Mena
Arturo Mena
PhD student.
IKUR grant holder

My research interests are focused on intense light-matter interactions in guided geometries.